How to Turn Off AMBER Alerts on Your Smartphone


Depending on where you live, you may receive AMBER alerts on your smartphone from the government when a child goes missing in your area. While helpful, these alerts can sometimes be annoying or disruptive. We'll show you how to disable them. 


Disabling AMBER Alerts on an iPhone

To disable AMBER alerts on an iPhone, the process is quite simple. Access the Settings app and follow these instructions:

1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone and tap on Notifications.
2. Scroll down to the Government Alerts section located at the bottom of the page, where you will find two toggles.
3. Turn off the toggle for AMBER Alerts. 

 You can also disable Emergency Alerts, Public Safety Alerts, and Test Alerts from the same menu. 

 Unlike on an iPhone, the exact steps to turn off AMBER alerts on an Android device may vary depending on the Android version and the Android skin running on top.

If you happen to possess a Samsung phone equipped with One UI, you can easily disable AMBER alerts by adhering to these straightforward guidelines: . 

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to Safety and emergency.
  3. Select Wireless emergency alerts and toggle off the switch for AMBER alerts


 With the deactivation of AMBER alerts, your smartphone will no longer notify you when a child disappears in your vicinity. Nevertheless, you will continue to receive urgent alerts regarding severe weather conditions. To cease receiving these notifications altogether, you can easily deactivate the primary Allow alerts switch in the Wireless emergency alerts section.

Version 1: Social media platforms such as Instagram now have the capability to transmit AMBER alerts in the event of a missing child in a specific area. If you wish to assist in locating missing children, it is strongly advised to keep these alerts activated.


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